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 1. Christopher Patton  The Cross of Christ and the Sovereign Purpose of God   
 2. Derek Johnson  The All Powerful Christ - His Sovereign Power   
 3. CBC  Jesus Christ - the Purpose and Power of Faith  Sunday Service 2009 
 4. Valetta Steel-Crumley, OMS International missionary, author  2008-03-11 Purpose in Christ amidst grief  2007-2008 Chapel Messages 
 5. Dr. Greg Ogden  We Were Created To Become Like Christ: The Purpose Driven Life (Part 4)  1/25/04 Christ Church of Oak Brook 
 6. DJ Jay-R  Sweet Sovereign (Lady Sovereign vs. Eurythmics vs. Shiny Grey)  Best of Bootie 2006 
 7. Camp Kirkland  07 The Cross of Christ  See What a Morning 
 8. Annette Slaney  Because the Cross of Christ  Because the Cross of Christ 
 9. Word Choral Club  The Cross of Christ  Word Choral Club Easter 2010 Anthem & Brass Ensemble Releases 
 10. Reaching an Untouched Generation, by Dr. Donald A. Carson  Faith in the Cross of Christ   
 11. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ on the Cross  JESUS CHRIST-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 12. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ on the Cross  JESUS CHRIST-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 13. Pastor Michael L. Wilson/Pastor Michael Wilson  The Life of Faith and the Cross of Christ  Living Free Today 
 14. David Deason  Sermon In Song: Cross Of Christ  Sermon In Song: Cross Of Christ 
 15. P Wilson  The Blood, Death & Cross of Christ  Matthew 27:31 
 16. Church of the Cross  Church of the Cross - Christ of Easter - Mark Booker  Church of the Cross 
 17. Church of the Cross  Church of the Cross - To Live is Christ - Mark Booker  Philippians 
 18. Jay Anderson  The Path of Christ is the Path of the Cross   
 19. Eric Maisel  Purpose Centered Life 03 Your Life Purpose Statement  Personal Life Media 
 20. Mark W. Everson  October 19, 2007 featuring Mark W. Everson, President and CEO, American Red Cross, What Makes the Red Cross Unique  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 21. Alpha Praise  My Glory All the Cross: Beneath the Cross of Jesus/When I Survey the Wo  The Majesty & Glory of the Resurrection 
 22. Ruth Elaine Schram  10/3622m - Cross Of Sorrow, Cross Of Love  Monarch Music Spring 2008 Sacred Anthems 
 23. Wolfgang Dyck  Wie werde ich Christ? Wie bin ich Christ? Wie bleibe ich Christ?  - 
 24. Dr. Stephen Jones  Quatrefoil as Cross: We are the Foot of the Cross  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 25. Dr. Stephen Jones  Quatrefoil as Cross: We are the Foot of the Cross  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 26. 1987-0204#6-MSG GRACE-(1087)LV  Sovereign God  Lee Vayle Sermons 
 27. 1987-0111#6-DOING GOD-(387)LV  Sovereign God  Lee Vayle Sermons 
 28. Erino Dapozzo  J�sus Christ est le m�me hier, aujourd'hui et �ternellement - Part 14/14 - 40 ans avec J�sus Christ   
 29. Erino Dapozzo  J�sus Christ est le m�me hier, aujourd'hui et �ternellement - Part 14/14 - 40 ans avec J�sus Christ   
 30. Chris Peterson  God's Sovereign Promise   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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